Intro — Greg Cawley Yoga

"BrikMan Yoga: A space for men to strengthen their bodies, heal through movement, quiet their minds, and build a brotherhood with a community of like-minded men."

intro to mens yoga

Hey men, have you ever thought that maybe yoga is something that you should try but have never really felt comfortable about it or known where to start? Well here is the perfect opportunity with my Intro to Mens Yoga Course.

This is a 4 week course of 4 x 1 hr sessions and is a great intro to yoga in an environment where you will feel comfortable and supported.

next course dates:

STafford- APR 22 2025

Toowoomba - JUL 2025

New Farm - aPR 21 2025

Sandgate - jUL 2025

If you are wanting to try the beginners course before Jan 2025 why not purchase the online course and take your time and experience the course in your own home

Scroll down for details and to purchase


July 2025 - dates to be advised


6.45pm -7.45pm

brisbane - new farm

Mon April 21 and 28 May 5 and 12


BRISBANE - sandgate

July 2025 - dates to be advised

Sandbag 153 Rainbow St Sandgate - 7.15 pm - 8.15 pm

BRISBANE - stafford

tues April 22 and 29 May 6 and 13

St Pauls Uniting Church, 7 Minimine St Stafford - 7.15 pm - 8.15 pm

Note: If you are unable to attend the in person training due to your location or the time does not suit you can now purchase the online course and go through the 4 x videos in your own time.(its not the same as being there live but its the next best thing.

See further down the page for more details and to register online

who should attend and what to expect

Any man of any age and level of fitness can attend. Obviously a degree of mobility is advantageous but I encourage all attendees of my classes to work that their own level and own pace. Yoga is all about working with YOUR body to realise its potential.

We all (including me) have limitations and injuries and the intro class will give you a very good introduction as to what a Men Only Yoga Class will look like

At the end of this class the aim is that you will be able to make a more informed decision as to whether yoga is for you or not

After each session you will be sent a video covering all aspects of the session for you to refer to in your own time

Check out this video to hear my story and why I decided at age 49 to take up Yoga and the benefits that I have experienced and why this may be relevant to you


Online Course

The course is 4 x 1hr sessions in a logical order to introduce you to yoga and to allow you to experience different styles of classes. You can take as long as you wish to work through the 4 classes.

Once enrolled you will receive access and password to the 4 videos which lead you through the introduction to yoga in a logical fashion and allow you to experience different styles of class

You also have access to me directly to discuss any questions that you may have