Testimonials and video

Please see below some video testimonials from some of our members.


Hey Greg

Mate I just want to let you know how my body has reacted to doing yoga

I am a frustrated mid fifties endurance trainer who has for the last 5-6 years nearly always succumbed to a injury normally hip/ flute related when I step up my training a level

I think my main issue is that I sit in a chair all day at work and I have no flexibility and therefore strength in my hip region

I did the 4 week intro you run then I have done 3 classes since

Prior to doing yoga I was told by my doctor my hips were well and truely on the way out and I should give up any endurance training especially running as it is that that would be exacerbating my hip pain

Well after 7 sessions of yoga whilst I know it isn't fixed totally (yet) I no longer take anti inflammatory medication and rarely have hip pain, ( used to be daily) the advancement in my mobility is amazing

I think I will be back running once the term is completed if my improvement continues on its current path.

Thanks heaps mate I should have done this years ago



Great session last night. Really hit the spot for me. I have been doing dodgy versions of similar moves for years to get my back in when it gets really bad. Great to finally know how to do it properly and what a workout it can really be.